Another Type of Tension
I’m going to talk business a little bit here, but hang with me...Today I’m talking about the tension between the creative...

The Other Side of Struggle (Not Beyond It)
I want to share a little bit more about my story today. It's very poignant that I do so today as I have been waiting, anticipating and...

Just Do It.
Do you suffer from analysis-paralysis? If you don’t know what that is then you don’t need to worry about it, you don’t have it. If you do...

Scheduling for Focus
Last week I started to share with you what I’m doing to try to focus myself and the importance of scheduling to kind of take back my...

Creativity and Productivity
Let’s talk about works in progress. What have you got going on? Me? Oh, I've got a lot going on... Do you tend to have multiple works in...

Pain and Power of the Spoken Word
As I've been developing Storyteller Station podcast and the Storyteller Nation Facebook group I've been thinking a lot about the power of...

3 Simple (Not Easy) Steps to Improve Your Writing
This is going to be SO simple! I’ll give you the quick tip then explain how I use it. These things I’m about to share are not difficult...

Publish Your Book for *Free*
Let’s be honest, precious little is actually “free” in our world today. So before we begin the conversation about how to publish your...

It's a Set-Up
Do you have people in your life who are inconsistent? Or consistently inconsistent? I do. I know this about them. It should not surprise...

You Know You Want It. Contentment.
Happy New Year! ‘Tis the season for setting goals and “resolutions”! Have you already been setting yours? Are you nervous remembering...